Oraciones Subordinadas Sustantivas Ejemplos Resueltos

Oraciones Subordinadas Sustantivas Ejemplos Resueltos

oraciones con arrimado

Daftar Isi

1. oraciones con arrimado

Artinya "dengan sandaran" dan "sandaran kalimat".Artinya dengan sandaran dan sandaran kalimat.

2. 10 oraciones con tecnicismo

palabras tecnicas, palabrasbno comunes, el uso de las palabras, uso de las palabras, palabras y sus oraciones, palabras y oracion, palabras de una oracion, palabras y oraciones, tecnicas y operaciones...

3. quiz 5 ejemplos de materiales explosivos​




/3 lagi ndak tau


4. PRESENT PERFECT VS SIMPLE PASTA) Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect or Simple Past. (Completalas oraciones con el Presente Perfecto o Pasado Simple de los verbos)1. John didnt give (give) me any money yesterday.2. She(not - see) a movie in English.3. We(have) breakfast, thank you!4 1(not - play) golf. Is it difficult?5. Dad(read) that book. He(finish) it last week.6. We(not - visit) Japan.7. They(not - send) me an email on Friday,8. You(not - watch) this DVD. You should watch it It's great.9 T(taste) your mom's cooking last weekend. It was amazing!10. Columbus(arrive) in the New World in 1492corectalplisss di jawabbb!!!​


1) John didn't give me any money yesterday.

2) She didn't see a movie in English.

3) We had breakfast, thank you!

4) I didn't play golf. Is it difficult?

5) Dad read that book. He finished it last week.

6) We didn't visit Japan.

7) They did not send me an email on Friday,

8) You did not watch this DVD. You should watch it, it's great.

9) I tasted your mom's cooking last weekend. It was amazing!

10) Columbus arrived in the New World in 1492


PEMBAHASANSimple Past Tense

Yaitu bentuk tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang telah terjadi pada masa lalu.


Positive Sentences:

Subject + Verb 2 + ObjectSubject + was/were + Object

Negative Sentences:

Subject + did + not + Verb 1 + ObjectSubject + was/were + not + Object

Interrogative Sentences:

Did + Subject + Verb 1 + Object + ?Was/were + Subject + Object + ?

Dalam simple past tense, verb yang digunakan adalah verb 2. Bentuk verb dibagi menjadi dua yaitu Regular Verbs dan Irregular Verbs. Namun jika menggunakan did pada kalimat negatif atau interrogatif maka verb-nya menggunakan verb 1.


(+) Leonardo came to this ballroom last night.

(-) Leonardo didn't come to this ballroom last night.

(?) Did Leonardo come to this ballroom last night?

~ Verbs on Questions ~

Irregular Verbs

Yaitu kata kerja tidak beraturan. Yang mana bentuk past tense dan past participle-nya tidak konsisten. Tidak ditandai dengan adanya -d atau -ed.

Give - Gave - Give


Do - Did - Done


See - Saw - Seen


Read - Read - Read


Send - Sent - Sent


Have - Had - Had

Memiliki, menyudahkan

Regular Verbs

Yaitu kata kerja beraturan. Yang mana bentuk past tense dan past participle-nya ditandai dengan adanya -d atau -ed.

Play - Played - Played


Finish - Finished - Finished


Visit - Visited - Visited


Watch - Watched - Watched


Taste - Tasted - Tasted


Arrive - Arrived - Arrived



:: semoga membantu ::

5. change the sentences into yes, no question, follow the example (cambia las oraciones a interrogativas, sigue el ejemplo) a) The spanish traveled by ship +to America Did the Spanish travel by ship to America b) The conqueros believed in God ____________________________________ c) Native people lived in America before 1942 ____________________________________ d) Cortés worked as a notary


A. (+) a sunflower needs a little bit water and sunlight everymorning

(-) a sunflower doesn't need a lilttle bit water and sunlight everymorning

(?) does sunflower need a little bit water and sunlight everymorning?

B. (-) Usually some kids do not cry to see their moms at home

(+) Usually some kids cry to see their moms at home

(?) Do some kids cry to see their mom at home?

C. (?) Do you always eat a fish twice a week

(+) You always eat a fish Twice a week

(-) You don't eat a fish Twice a week

D. (+) An eagle flies away on the sky after catching a fish

(-) An eagle doesn't flies away on the sky after catching a fish

(?) Does an eagle flies away on the sky after catching a fish?

6. Porfavor me ayudan a ordenar las oraciones from the forest/ cut down/don t have to/you/trees should/take care/they wildife/ of/ wear/go out/we/when/must/a mask/we smokes/eliminates/people/industries/have to/from shouldn t/we/it/smoke/health/for/because/dangerous/is/our anything/you/eat/don t/to/you/don t/to/have to/like natural/plants/resources/renewable/and/water/are conserve/resources/our/natural/should/we

what's your question!?

Thanks for the points. The question will be deleted!

7. Cambie estas oraciones a voz pasiva. Ayuda:( 2. Air pollution is threatening the health of the older people and children. (by) ➔ 3. Farms have contaminated soil and underground water, (because of) ➔ 4. The burning of gas and oil has created acid rain. (as a result of) ➔ 5. Acid rain is damaging forests and life in rivers and lakes. (due to) ➔ 6. The cutting down of forests is destroying rare plants and wildlife. (through) ➔ 7. The growth of cities has eaten up huge amounts of farmland. (due to) ➔ 8. Poverty and overcrowding are ruining the lives of people in many cities. (because of) ➔ 9. The use of CFCs in products like hair spray has created a hole in the ozone layer. (through) ➔ 10. The reduction of protective ozone layer has caused many more cases of skin cancer. (by)


2. The health of the older people and children is being threatened by air pollution.

3. Soil and underground water have been contaminated because of farms.

4. Acid rain has been created as a result of the burning of gas and oil.

5. Forests and life in rivers and lakes are being damaged due to acid rain.

6. Rare plants and wildlife are being destroyed through the cutting down of forests.

7. Huge amounts of farmland have been eaten up due to the growth of cities.

8. The lives of people in many cities are being ruined because of poverty and overcrowding.

9. A hole in the ozone layer has been created through the use of CFCs in products like hair spray.

10. Many more cases of skin cancer have been caused by the reduction of protective ozone layer.

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Oraciones Subordinadas Sustantivas Ejemplos Resueltos Oraciones Subordinadas Sustantivas Ejemplos Resueltos Reviewed by Fun Hobby on Maret 13, 2023 Rating: 5

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